Consultant, Trainer, Coach, Work and org. psychologist
„The only constant in life is change.” – Heraclitus
2023 Persolog DISC certified behavioural profile consultant
2021 – 2022 Coach Akadémia – ACTP coach training – business coach
2019 – 2020 iCons-Hungary Human Development and Consulting Ltd. – trainer
2017 – 2019 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Psychology MA- work and organisational psychologist
2014 – 2017 University of Pécs, Psychology BA – behavior analyst
- individual coaching
- team building and integration programs
- skills development & trainings: self-awareness, assertive communication, resilience
- professional support for development programs (OD, talent and leadership dev.)
- professional support for coach trainings & operational management
I’ve been a member of Coaching Team’s professional community since 2018. As a consultant I provide professional support and take part in the implementation of development processes. My objective is to enhance the overall efficiency of both my internal team and external clients, whether at an individual, team or organizational level.
Since 2021, I have also been working as the operational manager of Coach Akadémia, where my main objective is to establish a supportive atmosphere where aspiring coaches thrive and experienced professionals continuously enhance their skills. Incorporating the coaching approach and methodology into my professional work has opened new professional perspectives and doors for me. For me, the essence of coaching is creating an inspiring, trusting space where I can partner with clients to help them find their own best solutions.
As a professional, I align closely with a positive psychology approach. I believe that within each individual challenge lies a hidden resource, innate strength, or opportunity. In my collaborative development process with clients, my focus is on identifying and leveraging these inherent assets to successfully attain the client’s objectives. I believe in facing and learning from life’s changes and challenges, and I aim to always support development and positive change while respecting the individual journey.